Presentation Coaching

“A coach is part advisor, part sounding board, part cheerleader, part manager and part strategist.”
The Business Journal

There are very few people in senior positions within organisations who do not have to formally convey information to others. How they do this is vital. If the right blend of passion, conviction and confidence is used then the most difficult or complex of messages can be effectively shared and the audience influenced as required.

For some executives, whilst they understand what’s needed, presenting to others is a stumbling block and something with which they struggle. For others, learning how to present effectively, irrespective of the topic, audience or what’s at stake, is a key part of their leadership development. Traditional training in presentation skills is not always the answer, either because it fails to address the real need or is an unacceptable solution to the individual concerned.

By getting to the root of the issues involved, an executive coach will facilitate a real transformation in performance. Using a skilled blend of challenge, feedback and support, they encourage and enable the creation of lasting changes in behaviour, resulting in the development of confidence and a sustained improvement in presentation delivery.

Working one-to-one means that the time invested is spent solely on the coachee’s particular challenges, the input is specific to them and their role. Ideally we will work with them on a real pitch, presentation, address or launch, ensuring absolute focus on creating a real ROI for them and the business.

“The benefits of coaching appear to win over even the most cynical clients within just a few weeks.”
Money Magazine

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